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Wesnoth Units database

Greater Mutation


It came as a great surprise to the Magus who created them that Mutations would over time increase in both stature and strength. It seems the act of killing feeds these bloodthirsty beasts on some innate level. There are few soldier's brave or indeed foolish enough to face off against such a creature, especially when night falls.

Ghi chú đặc biệt: The victims of this unit's poison will continually take damage until they can be cured in town or by a unit which cures. Đơn vị này tái tạo, cho phép nó phục hồi như thể luôn đứng trong một ngôi làng.

Nâng cấp từ: Lesser Mutation
Nâng cấp thành: Abomination
Chi phí: 40
Máu: 56
Di chuyển: 4
KN: 90
Trình độ: 2
Phân loại: hỗn độn
IDEE Greater Mutation
Khả năng: tái tạo
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